Leiborschy Get Together 2015
This year we moved south to North Muskham for the Get Together and this resulted in the biggest attendance ever. Puppies as young as 5 months through to nine year old dogs enjoyed each others company as their owners met, chatted and joined in with games and show ring training. This year we were very lucky to have a professional, experienced dog trainer in our midst, Keith Warwick, owner of Leiborschy Laric A Quest ( Jabu). Keith gave an informative talk and demonstration on clicker training and Dog AID. Five month old Jabo amazed us with his skill, reactions and understanding of the clicker. The raffle in aid of Dog AID raised a marvellous £45.
Our "show was judged by Val Jarvis (Lowdon) who not only gave every dog and exhibitor a sensitive, experienced, going over but also donated two cups for Best in Show and Best Puppy In Show. Collared Creatures donated prizes for the two top spots, our top winners have never been lucky enough to be loaded down with so many goodies!
Our thanks go to everyone who turned out to make a truly memorable day, the cakes, the donations to the raffle, the food and the good company and kinship. Special thanks to Rob Stephenson for taking the official photographs. We really couldn't do it without you.
One of the thoughful raffle prizes spookily won by Paul!!
This sums up the day well: yummy, unique, once it's gone it's gone and very special
The Best in Show line up Hilda, Lincoln, Mallard & Ekko A delighted young handler Jaydon winning BIS with Ekko
Best Puppy in Show, Hilda Joshua with Mallard winning Junior Handling 10/16 Keith demonstrating with Jabu
Leiborschy Lola in Pocket loving the camera Musical Mats Stripping advice
Simon Says Lincoln with his kids
Lola mugging the official photographer Rob Stephenson The raffle raised £45 for Dog AID